Equity Picture

The ACSA Equity Project is Working for Students!

According to the results of a recent survey by members of the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA): “Educational equity provides students access to resources and opportunities based on their individual needs to achieve high quality educational outcomes.” ACSA has establish an Equity Project to help address equity issues in California. California’s Equity Leadership Alliance
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Decision Education for the 21st Century

Chris Spetzler, Executive Director of the Decision Education Foundation (DEF) announced this week that the DEF is launching a California initiative to empower students with effective decision skills. DEF’s focus is to help teens make the most of the decisions that will impact the rest of their life. Students who make better decisions are more
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Essential Elements of Cultural Proficiency

Cultural Proficiency in education is the level of knowledge-based skills and understanding that are required to successfully teach and interact with students and to work effectively with colleagues from a variety of cultures by holding all forms of cultural difference in high esteem; a continuing self-assessment of one’s values, beliefs and biases grounded in cultural
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Community Engagement for Healthy Families

Family and community engagement greatly increases the likelihood that students will learn and thrive. Students are more prepared for school, more likely to achieve, and more likely to graduate when they are supported by schools, families, and communities working together in a coordinated manner. Schools will be more effective at engaging families and communities when
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