UC Davis C-STEM Training Options Announced

The UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM Center) is providing teachers with breakthrough tools for teaching math, coding and robotics. The C-STEM Center has been granted UC A-G Program Status.  This means that schools can easily add C-STEM A-G approved courses to their own school’s “A-G” course lists without submitting a complete course content description and going through the traditional approval process with UCOP. The new C-STEM Studio is a platform for teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics through computing and robotics for integrated learning.

As a UC-approved Educational Preparation Program with UC A-G program status, the C-STEM Center is in a very unique position to influence the future direction of K-14 computing and STEM education and will have significant impact on the talent pipeline development for the state and nation.

The C-STEM Center recently announced the following professional development opportunities for teachers. The following professional development is provided by UC Davis C-STEM staff and will focus on Integrating Computing and Robotics into Mathematics, Science & CTE to Close the Achievement Gap & to Prepare Students for Career and College:

  • March 14-16 3-Day Train-the-Train Institute at UC Davis: more information: here
  • March 22-23 and 28-29 2-Day Academy and training in San Diego: more information here.
  • March 30 1-day Workshop on Programming Lego Mindstorms NXT/EV3 robots and training at UC Davis: more information here.
  • June 13-17 1-Week Institute and training at UC Davis: more information: here

More information regarding the C-STEM Professional Development and how to register can be found on the C-STEM website.

Districts or County Offices of Education can host a C-STEM 2-Day Academy or 1-Week Institute for teachers in their district or region.  Contact Calvin Chen, C-STEM Assistant Director (Email: calchen@ucdavis.edu, Tel: 530-752-8849) for more information on hosting C-STEM professional development at your location.