Statewide ICT Sector Navigator Update

As part of the CCC Chancellor’s office “Doing What Matters for Jobs and the Economy”  reorganization and strategic campaign, Information and Communication Technologies/Digital Media (ICT/DM) sectors are now a named economic and workforce development strategic sector for California community colleges.

When the 10 CCC Regional Consortia were asked to vote on which strategic sectors CCCs had the greatest opportunities to address to have a positive impact on the California economy and workforce, ICT/DM received the 2nd highest votes overall in the State, behind Healthcare. In response, ICT/DM is getting significant support in the CCC system, which includes $3.5m in annual grant funding for a Statewide ICT Sector Navigator (SN) and 10 ICT Deputy Sector Navigator (DSN) positions, one for each of the 10 CCC geographic regions.

In July a Statewide ICT Sector Navigator and 8 ICT Deputy Sector Navigator grants were funded.  In the fall, funding for an interim and acting second San Francisco Bay Region Deputy Sector Navigator was released, and Sandy Jones from Los Medanos College stepped into that role.  In December, Steve Linthicum from Sierra College was awarded ICT Deputy Sector Navigator funding for the Greater Sacramento-North Region.

Following is contact information for the now fully named CCC ICT Sector Navigation team:

Steve Wright from Rancho Santiago CCD is serving as Statewide ICT Sector Navigator.  (805) 496-8583.




Deputy Sector Navigator

Bay Area

Hartnell CCD

Olivia Davalos

Bay Area

San Francisco CCD

Sandy Jones (Acting)

Central Valley

State Center CCD

Dennis Mohle

Desert/ Inland Empire

San Bernardino CCD

Alan Braggin

Far North

Butte-Glenn CCD

Myron Curtis

Los Angeles

Los Angeles CCD

Dan Watanabe


Rancho Santiago CCD

Gustavo Chamorro


Sierra CCD

Steve Linthicum

San Diego/Imperial

San Diego CCD

Rose M. LaMuraglia

South Central

Santa Clarita CCD

Paula Hodge

 This group is now hard at work, in close collaboration with CCC Regional Consortia (links in region names in table above), identifying and going to work on projects and additional fundraising to improve regional CCC effectiveness in serving ICT industry and employment sectors and students desiring to enter and advance in them.